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Testronix Instruments, #1047

Testronix Instruments is the premier manufacturer and supplier of quality Testing Instruments, Equipment and measurement devices.

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Address I - 10A, DLF Industrial Area, Faridabad - 121003, Haryana, India

Country: India

State: Haryana

City: Faridabad

Postal code: 121003

Date: March-24-2021

State: Haryana

Views Counter: 692

Owner -xxxxxx unhide texxxxxx unhide

Company details

Testronix Instruments
Testronix Instruments is the premier manufacturer and supplier of quality Testing Instruments, Equipment and measurement devices. It is a renowned name for quality evaluation of color, gloss

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Testronix Instruments  is the premier manufacturer and supplier of quality Testing Instruments, Equipment and measurement devices. It is a renowned name for quality evaluation of color, gloss, transparency, and much more. Our team of highly skilled engineers are dedicated towards offering the world’ best solution to the customers. Testronix Instruments  has been promoting best Quality Assurance practices.


Testing Equipment | Tensile Strength Tester | Cupping Machine | Box Compression Tester Digital | Bursting Strength Tester Digital


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