Chemical controls fouling of scales of carbonate and sulfate salts of calcium, magnesium, barium and stronium
Chemical controls fouling of scales of carbonate and sulfate salts of calcium, magnesium, barium and stronium MARS CHEM’S Antiscalant Chemical is made specifically as a general purpose liquid antiscalant / antifoulant for membrane systems. RO Plant chemicals in Delhi Antiscalant Chemical is characterized by its tight molecular structure, weight range and clear color which indicates the absence of impurities.MARS CHEM’S Antiscalant; also iron and colloidal deposits. It is a very effective antiscalant for waters with high LSI and SDI. Slightly effective in high silica water. MARS CHEM’S Antiscalant Chemical keeps membrane permeate flow close to design, and minimizes downtime and membrane cleaning cost.