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New dates for the RRB NTPC -2 Exam have been released by the Indian Railways., #3041

We all know that, as soon as the result of the Railway Recruitment Board’s, Non-Technical Popular Categories (RRB NTPC) were released in the month of January 2022, there was a nationwide agitation by the candidates to demand improvement in the Railway NTPC graduate-level results.

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We all know that, as soon as the result of the Railway Recruitment Board’s, Non-Technical Popular Categories (RRB NTPC) were released in the month of January 2022, there was a nationwide agitation by the candidates to demand improvement in the Railway NTPC graduate-level results. 

After reviewing the concerns by the candidates a report have been submitted by the 5 member committee afterwards the Ministry of Railways issued a notice on 10th March 2022, stating that:

  • The Board will shortlist the 20 times unique candidates, Pay Level wise for 2nd Stage Computer Based Test (CBT) for CEN 01/2019 (NTPC).

  • Ministry of Railways has also mentioned that the candidates who have been earlier qualified will continue to remain qualified and the additional candidates getting shortlisted at each Pay Level will be notified.

  • RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam for the Pay level 6 will be held in the month of May 2022.

  • RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam date for others will be notified soon by the board.

  • Candidates will be able to download the admit card from the official website of RRB, 4 days prior to the examination.

The tips I am sharing below are intended especially for those who are prepared to work extremely hard in the short duration of the upcoming RRB NTPC CBT-2 Exam.

Your preparation should be based on the following four pillars:

  • Start with smart planning according to your weaknesses and strengths as per the syllabus of the RRB NTPC CBT -2.

  • You should focus more on the General awareness section, as this section consists of 50 questions that will help you to secure good marks in the NTPC CBT -2 Examination.

  • The next step is to revise the notes which you created while studying and practising through the NTPC CBT- 2 Online Mock Test Series will make your revision even stronger. I would like to suggest a good website Testwale to practice their NTPC CBT- 2 Free Mock Tests. Their mock tests are created by the subject experts and questions are completely based on the previous years and the latest exam pattern. 

  • The last and most crucial step is to maintain your speed and accuracy. While solving the mock tests always try to manage the time effectively, take 2 to 3 minutes for reading the question paper before starting the answers. Don’t spend more than 30 to 40 seconds on each question.

I hope that these tips would be beneficial for you to score well in your Examination.

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