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Mobile App Testing Online Training, #434

We are the premier online training providers in your area and we offer specialised mobile app testing training to the interested professionals

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Address Bodh Gaya ( Dhandawa, Janpur, Pachhtti, Rajapur), India

Country: India

State: Bihar

City: Bodh Gaya

Postal code: 10000

State: Bihar

Views Counter: 435


Abhay Thakur 86xxxxxx unhide abxxxxxx unhide

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<p>We are the premier online training providers in your area and we offer specialised mobile app testing training to the interested professionals and&nbsp;students who wish to seek their career as talented mobile app testing professionals. We have worked worldwide and are able to solve the queries&nbsp;with our expertise. We start new batches fortnightly with limited members and each batch will be run with personalized training mode with face&nbsp; to face live training. Our core training on mobile testing helps users to stay on the competitive edge of present market trends. We&rsquo;ve build ever&nbsp;&nbsp;lasting relationships with our successive users throughout the world. Our mobile testing training faculty has promoted the quality education with&nbsp;consistent results and practical approach by adding contemporary projections. We have developed world class course curriculum with elaborated modules&nbsp;for each course. Our real time based projects will give you an opportunity to explore yourself in mobile testing course.</p><p>&nbsp; Exclusive course features:</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot; Featured instructors with global experience</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot; Customized training with subject matter expertise</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &middot; Live mobile testing projects to test your learning skills</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot; Tailored courses for each mobile device</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; &middot; Interactive sessions through webinars with peers and faculty</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot; Newsletters with market updates</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&middot; Open forums ,blogs, mock interviews and interview questions<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;Join Now&nbsp;</p>

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