Cat vaccinations target viruses like feline calicivirus, feline rhinotracheitis virus, and feline panleucopaenia virus through our kitten vaccinations in nz
There are six different viruses/infectious agents in New Zealand that you can possibly prevent in your cat with a simple vaccination. The following are two common viruses that you can get kitten vaccinations in nz against.
Feline calici virus and feline rhinotracheitis virus
These are otherwise known as “cat flu” viruses. These viruses cause symptoms 2-5 days after exposure. These viruses are not usually fatal but can make kittens very sick for 1-3 weeks, with signs including inflamed conjunctiva, eye and nasal discharges, corneal ulcers and secondary bacterial infection of these tissues.
Some recovered kittens can become lifelong carriers of these viruses and may shed the virus during periods of stress, unless vaccinated as a kitten prior to exposure.
Ensuring your dog receives the kennel cough vaccine in NZ is crucial for protecting them from highly contagious respiratory infections.
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