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Hemat oncologist in Pune - Dr. Pratik Patil, #6187

Looking for a Hemat oncologist in Pune? Dr. Pratik Patil is the best hemat oncologist in Pune with experience of more than 10 years in treating various types of cancers. He is currently working as a Consultant of Medical oncologist & Hematologist in Pune

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Address HealthBay Clinic, 103 Transbay, Balewadi Rd, Balew

Listing Purpose: Services

Country: India

State: Maharashtra

City: Pune

State: Maharashtra

Views Counter: 297

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Dr. Pratik Patil is an Internationally recognized Hemat Oncologist in Pune with experience of more than 10 years. He has vast experience in treating cancer patients including solid cancers Hematological cancers and blood-related disorders. He is practicing for the last 10 years and treated thousands of patients. He is currently working as a Consultant of Medical oncologist & Hematologist at the Sahydhri group of Hospital, Pune, and Healthbay Clinic, Baner, Pune.

He has been working in the field of Oncology for the past decade now. He has a high level of compassion, sensitivity, and empathy to treat people with cancer. He has special interests in  Immunotherapy, Chemotherapy, Thoracic Oncology, targeted therapy, and pathology & biology of cancers. He has expertise in treating all kinds of cancers like lung cancer, breast cancer, ovary, stomach, colon, lymphoma, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. His expertise in medical oncology makes him one of the best hemat oncologist in Pune. He has completed his DM Medical Oncology from New Delhi and also is a Fellow of Thoracic Oncology from Michigan state Cancer University, USA. 

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