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EOT Cranes Manufacturers, #10197

EOT Cranes Manufacturers in India

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Address Baddi

Listing Purpose: For Sale

Sale price: Rs 0

Condition: New

Country: India

State: Himachal Pradesh

City: Baddi

Postal code: 174103

State: Himachal Pradesh

Views Counter: 119


Tarun 98xxxxxx unhide taxxxxxx unhide

Company details

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APR Bright Industries offers heavy duty material handling cranes to industires.We specialize in producing high-quality automotive cranes, grabs bucket, elevators, and components etc.

Mission Statement: To be a global leader in the manufacturing of innovative, sustainable automotive components, delivering exceptional value to our customers.

Key Achievements:

  • Recognized as a top supplier by major automotive manufacturers.
  • Achieved zero-waste certification at our Detroit facility.
  • Successfully expanded operations into Europe and Asia.

Company Culture: We are committed to fostering a collaborative, innovative, and environmentally responsible culture. Our employees are our greatest asset, and we strive to create a positive and rewarding work environment.

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