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Different Output Power Berlinlasers 650nm Red Cross Laser Alignments, #3739

precise cross line alignment

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Address Delhi,In

Listing Purpose: For Sale

Sale price: Rs 12100

Condition: New

Country: India

State: Delhi

City: Delhi

Postal code: 12100

State: Delhi

Views Counter: 471


Daniel Smith +1xxxxxx unhide bexxxxxx unhide

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What is the best job to make clear and fine enough cross line measurement? No matter it is pointing at close or long distance, it is always making good job with Berlinlasers 650nm red cross laser alignment. Applying for an import 650nm red laser diode within 5mW to 100mW, after proper use of a 5V, or 9V AC/DC adapter, it just keeps work with highly visible red laser beam emission at several miles far away. Unless it is pointing under high lighting, high power red laser makes clear and fine measurement with the maximum distance of 25 meters and formal lighting.
This red cross laser alignment applies qualified glass coated lens, projecting the most complex two perpendicular red lines with accurate 90 degrees. It also passes through up to 24 hours aging preventing tests, and works well under moisture or dust. According to correct use of output power and easy mounting onto those of industrial device, it makes no mistake and no manual labor force input cross line measurement in long lasting use.
Technical data:
Item: Berlinlasers 605nm 5mW to 100mW red cross laser alignment
Laser class: IIIa, IIIb
Optic lens: glass coated lens 
Tube diameter: 16mm, 26mm anodized aluminum alloy 
Application: laser alignment for screen printing, laser medical therapy, lab experiment and high tech

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