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Chicken Leg Piece | Tasty Soya Leg Piece | Vezlay, #6001

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Address A1/1, Nathu Colony Chowk Shahdara, New Delhi - 110093, INDIA

Country: India

State: Delhi

City: Delhi

State: Delhi

Views Counter: 286

Owner -xxxxxx unhide shxxxxxx unhide

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One of the main advantages of Vezlay Chicken Leg Piece is that it is a healthy alternative to traditional chicken leg pieces. Traditional chicken is often high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can lead to health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Vezlay Chicken Leg Piece, on the other hand, is low in fat and cholesterol, making it a healthier choice for those who want to maintain a balanced diet.

Vezlay Chicken Leg Piece is a plant-based alternative to traditional chicken leg pieces. It is made from soy protein, wheat protein, and other natural ingredients that are blended together to create a meat-like texture and flavor. The result is a product that looks, tastes, and feels like real chicken, but is completely vegan and cruelty-free.

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