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30 days Strategy for CDS 1 Exam!, #3037

The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination twice a year for recruitment to the Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Indian Air Force Academy. The UPSC Combined Defence Services (CDS 1) 2022 exam is set to take place on April 10, 2022. The admit card for the exam is expected to be released three weeks before

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The Union Public Service Commission conducts the Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination twice a year for recruitment to the Indian Military Academy, Officers Training Academy, Indian Naval Academy and Indian Air Force Academy. 


The UPSC Combined Defence Services (CDS 1) 2022 exam is set to take place on April 10, 2022. The admit card for the exam is expected to be released three weeks before the exam date, which is tentatively scheduled for March 20-25, 2022. 


The 30 days strategies which I am sharing here is intended for the students who have recently learned about the CDS exam as well as for the students who have fallen behind in their CDS exam preparation and now want to try their first attempt for the upcoming CDS exam, which is scheduled to take place in about a month.


Below is the concrete study plan to cover all the important topics in the CDS General Knowledge syllabus within 30 days of the exam:

  • Geography: 5 days

  • History: 6 days

  • Indian Polity: 5 days

  • Current Affairs & Static GK: 6 days

  • General Science: 3 days

  • Revision and Mock Tests: 3 days

  • Relax and Revise easy topics: 1 day

  • Day 30th CDS Exam Day


Here are some tried-and-true important tips for passing the CDS Exam and joining the professional uniformed services:

  • Every day, without fail, you must revise the short and factual notes.

  • Most Important Topics to Focus in General Knowledge are:

  • Geography

  • History

  • Indian Polity

  • Current Affairs & Static GK

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Solve as many previous year papers as you can in a timely manner. This will aid you in time management during the exams.

  • To cover the basics, use NCERT books as a reference and try not to overburden yourself.

  • No matter how well prepared you are, if you do not attempt the CDS Mock Test Series prior to the exam, your efforts will be in vain. I suggest you to visit the Testwale website once to attempt their CDS Free Mock Test Series.

  • If you have time, go through rest of the CDS GK syllabus in addition to the study plan.

  • Don't forget to relax and stay calm!

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